THE Difference Maker.
Imagine the last great concert you went to. I'm talking orchestra, symphony, wind ensemble... something a bit more large and complex than a 3-5 piece rock band.
Or --- think of the last movie you saw that had a really fantastic soundtrack. (That's probably most people will have most recently heard a large music ensemble anyway.)
Think about how wonderful it sounded... how all the instruments combined and complimented one another... how the melodies and harmonies blended to create one magnificent whole. Each individual played their unique role. The conductor wove their performance together from the podium.
Before that stunning performance was made possible, it had to exist in the mind of a composer.
Now here's the thing to realize. The human brain can only hold so many pieces of information in mind simultaneously. That means that the composer (with few exceptions) probably could not hear the finished work in his head as he was composing it. He probably could hear certain parts, or a few components together... but unless he was a historically significant musical genius... he had to weave his work together one piece at a time, layer upon layer, until he had created his masterpiece.
Most people can think of melodies, or simple harmonies --- but it takes time, energy, focus, and resolve to put together something that has the impact and effect of a finely orchestrated work.
That -- my friends -- is a picture of strategy versus tactics. A strategy is multi-faceted and varied, like an orchestral composition. Multiple component parts come together to create a magnificent whole. A tactic is like a single instrument, playing a single part... and rarely has an impact alone that is as significant and powerful as the entire ensemble together.
(And you, as an entrepreneur, are much more like that composer than you realize.)
TODAY'S TAKEAWAY: Impactful, high performance businesses are strategic ... carefully orchestrated and well thought out. Most small businesses, however, are like a lone soloist tooting a melody unto themselves.
ACTION STEP: Step back and take a serious look at your business. Answer the question: Is it strategic? Or is it tactical? Is it like an orchestrated work, where all the parts carefully compliment one another and create a powerful whole? Or is it like one person, tooting on a horn at the marketplace, all alone...
The answer to the above, and the ramifications of what actions you take in response, are crucial. More on this tomorrow.
To You Enduring Success,
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