Thursday, May 20, 2010

3 Types of Positive Business Problems -- 11/365

Real People.  Real Business.  Real Life.

This topic came up in a conversation with a client yesterday.  Here it is...

Most people see problems as, well, problems.   And they are baffled by those who actually, genuinely see problems as opportunities.

As cliche as it sounds, problems actually are opportunities.  And the better you get at solving problems, the better you will get at driving your business forward.

Think about it for moment.  The biggest business heroes and larger-than-life leaders were the people who solved the biggest, most important problems their world (or corner of the world) was facing at the time.  And the cool thing --- when you become skilled at solving peoples' biggest, most important problems ... you are incredibly rewarded for it.

To help develop this skill, I have found it very, very helpful to categorize the problems that enterprises face into 3 separate areas.  Here are the categories...

The 3 Types of Positive Business Problems

  1. Your market's problems - These are basically problems out there in your audience of actual and potential buyers.  This is the territory of problems that, if you can solve them, your market will reward you by coming to you to do business.
  2. Your competitors problems - These problems are the ones you can exploit to your advantage.  Or, these are the ones you can see, learn from, and avoid ... stuff like that.  (BTW -- if you aren't watching your competitors, you'd better start.  You're missing a world of information you can harness and use to your further your business!)
  3. Your own business' problems - These are the problems that are right there in your face.  These are the ones you are most familiar with.  I don't need to say much here.
First ... keep a view that these are positive problems.  That simply means that there is great reward in solving them!

Second ... understand that, with regards to your business, the problems you encounter are going to fall into one or more of these areas.  And by understanding where they fall, you can get a much better grasp on the opportunity solving the problem represents --- and --- it will attune your mind to appropriate, effective solutions much more quickly.

TAKEAWAY:  As cliche as it sounds, problems actually are opportunities.  View them as a positive obstacles that represents potential reward --- if you will get to work and solve them.  Categorizing the problem will help you mentally frame it in a way that can help you find a solution faster.  Finally --- the more areas the problem involves (1 versus 2, or all 3) the greater the reward in solving it.

ACTION STEP:  List the single largest problem you are facing within each of the 3 categories.  Decide which one that -- if you were to solve it -- would yield the greatest reward.  Devise one simple way you can begin to solve that problem... some sort of tactic that you can execute within the next 24 hours... a tacic that will chip away at the problem and move it toward resolution.  Do it.

To Your Enduring Success,


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